Beaver Builder Experts

Looking for help with Beaver Builder?

As a company specializing in Beaver Builder WordPress services, we excel in designing high-performance, visually captivating websites fully optimized for search engines. With our extensive proficiency in WordPress Beaver Builder, we bring profound expertise and mastery of this plugin. Leveraging its robust capabilities, we can develop exquisite, customizable, and user-centric websites tailored to your unique requirements and preferences.


As Beaver Builder WordPress experts and developers, we can design and develop a WordPress Website from scratch or enhance your existing Website.

  • Custom Website Design using Beaver Builder
  • Theme Customization Using Beaver Builder
  • Landing Pages Development Using Beaver Builder
  • Responsive Web Development
  • Customize the full website using Beaver Builder
  • Plugin Integration

Professional Websites

We build beautiful websites using the Beaver Builder Plugin & Custom Theme.

Update Beaver Builder

We help you to update beaver builder websites and make them look great. It will help to increase conversion.

Beaver Builder WordPress Design Experts




Theme Styling

The ideal synergy between responsive design and meticulously tailored Beaver Builder presets offers an ecosystem replete with abundant readily available templates. All you need to do is select your choice and customize it according to your preferences.

Addons Integration

The Beaver Builder Plugins comprise a collection of distinctive add-ons and extensions designed to enhance the functionality of this user-friendly page builder, offering features such as headers, footers, themes, sections, page templates, and more.


Website editing can be a challenging task, but Beaver Builder simplifies the process through its intuitive front-end drag-and-drop functionality. When you have Beaver Builder, the WordPress editor is no longer preferred.


You can rest assured that your website will look great on mobile, tablet, and desktop screens. Our responsive layouts cater to every device, ensuring a seamless viewing experience without any complex coding.

We are familiar with all the Beaver Builder Addons and Plugins.


Beaver Builder Overview

Beaver Builder stands out as one of the most popular WordPress page builders. It provides user-friendly front-end drag-and-drop and exceptionally intuitive tools, making it an excellent choice, especially for those embarking on their first WordPress website project.

Beyond its beginner-friendly attributes, Beaver Builder offers a wide array of features catering to developers. This versatile tool empowers you to create virtually any website you envision, maintains Search Engine Optimization (SEO) compatibility, and seamlessly integrates with many other WordPress plugins.

Beaver Builder: Features and Benefits

At this point, you should comprehensively understand Beaver Builder's offerings and operational mechanics.
Below is a concise overview of its features:

  • Drag-and-drop front-end visual page builder
  • 33 modules to add content
  • Prebuilt page templates you can use to kickstart content creation
  • Integrates with most WordPress themes as well as plugins that generate shortcodes and widgets
  • Fully customizable pages and custom post types

Why would you want to use BeaverBuilder?

  • Speed: BeaverBuilder’s resources are among the lightest weight in the industry. This is handy both in the backend, where you spend less time waiting for pages to render as you edit them, and in the front-end where you’ll find quicker and easier compliance with speed testing utilities like GTMetrix and Google PageSpeed.
  • Smart UI: BeaverBuilder’s UI methodology presents you with the tools you need to build pages quickly, while hiding only less commonly used functions in menus. Meanwhile competing builders either hide everything in menus or show dozens of buttons at once.
  • CSS Methodology: BeaverBuilder does an excellent job of separating global styles (in Customizer) from single-page styles (in the builder) ensuring optimal adherence to CSS methodology. When you and your web building tools adhere to this methodology, it helps you build sites faster and it helps the end users of the site edit or add content faster and with less problems.

We're here to help you

We also offer WordPress Care and Maintenance Plans


This website was built with Beaver Builder - 416-900-0869